Cengiz S. Aşkun
Asst. Prof. Dr. Cengiz S. Aşkun Office : EF-C 117 E-mail : askun@metu.edu.tr Phone : +90 312 210 3672 Fax No: +90 312 210 7986 |
Education |
Ph.D. |
: Indiana University, Bloomington, Instructional Technology |
M.S. |
: Indiana University, Bloomington, Instructional Technology |
M.S. |
: Middle East Technical University, Chemistry |
B.S. |
: Middle East Technical University, Chemistry |
Research interests:Use and Design of Multimedia in Education and Training, Blended Learning, Online Education, Distance Education, Human-Computer Interaction.
Last Updated:
28/11/2017 - 22:03