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11/07/2019 - 17:12
Başlık Yazar Danışman Adı Yıl Tür
Augmented Reality Activities for Preschool Children: A Comparative Analysis of Understanding Geometric Shapes and Improving Spatial Skills Gecü Parmaksız, Zeynep Ömer DELİALİOĞLU 2017 PhD
The Effectiveness of Mall (Mobile Assisted Language Learning) On Acquisition of English Vocabulary and Grammatical Structures Bakay, Şenol Ömer DELİALİOĞLU 2017 PhD
Investigating Stages of Concern and Technology Integration Self-Efficacy Beliefs of English Language Pre-Service Teachers Kayaduman, Halil Ömer DELİALİOĞLU 2017 PhD
Investigating Students and Teachers Use of Social Network Sites in K12 Education Karabulut, Seda Ömer DELİALİOĞLU 2017 Ms
Investigating Networked Learning In Corporate Learning Context: An Embedded Design Mixed Method Study Examining Online Knowledge Sharing And Collaboration Via Social Network Analysis Tufan, Didem Soner YILDIRIM 2016 PhD
Investigation Of Community Of Inquiry Framework In Regard To Self-Regulation, Metacognition, And Motivation Kilis, Selcan Zahide YILDIRIM 2016 PhD

An Investigation Of Student Engagement, Motivation And Attitudes Towards Course Content In A Mobile-Learning Enhanced Course

Alioon, Yasaman Ömer DELİALİOĞLU 2016 PhD

The Comparison Of Web And Mobile Interfaces Of A Learning Management System In Terms Of Perceived Aesthetics

Kılınç, Nergiz Ömer DELİALİOĞLU 2016 Ms

Exploring The Use Of 3d Virtual Worlds For Psychoeducational Groups: A Multiple Case Study

Gül, Abdülmenaf Tuğba TOKEL 2016 PhD

Facilitating English As A Foreign Language Learners’ Vocabulary Learning, Task Completion And Contextual Vocabulary Exploration Processes In A Mobile Supported Situated Learning Environment

Uz Bilgin, Çiğdem Tuğba TOKEL 2016 PhD
The Effects Of Learning Goal Autonomy On Achievement In A Technical Training Course: A Self-Determination Theory Approach Karaca, Mehmet Selçuk Soner YILDIRIM 2015 Ms
Community Of Inquiry Framework As A Predictor Of Self-Regulated Learning In An Online Certificate Program Başdoğan, Merve Soner YILDIRIM 2015 Ms
The Use Of Immediate Feedback System In College Clasrooms: A Multiple Case Study İslim, Ömer Faruk Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY 2015 PhD
Design, Development And Use Of A Smart Toy For Preschool Children: A Design And Development Research Kara, Nuri Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY 2015 PhD
Examining The Effectiveness Of Educational Tablet Pc Applications To Teach Daily Living Skills To Students With Intellectual Disabilities Yeni, Sabiha Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY 2015 PhD
Design And Development Of An Electronic Performance Support System For Novice Instructional Designers Uğur Aydoğmus, Feray Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY 2015 PhD
Use Of Large Multi Touch Interfaces: A Research On Usability And Design Aspects Dönmez, Mehmet Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY 2015 Ms
Contribution Of A Mobile Application To Primary School Students Foreign Language Learning Özdemir, Yusuf Murat Ömer DELİALİOĞLU 2015 Ms
Using Computer Network Simulation Programs: Exploration Of Students’ Attitude, Motivation And Learning Güllü, Halil Ömer DELİALİOĞLU 2015 Ms
Graduate Students’ Use Of Social Media Tools For Thesis/Dissertation Research Duman, Murat Gülfidan CAN 2015 PhD
Administrators' Perceptions Of Motives To Offer Online Academic Degree Programs In Universities Özcan, Hakan Soner YILDIRIM 2014 Ms
Barriers and Enablers Of Technology Integration Into Instruction In The Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University: A Case Study Muhametjanova, Gulshat Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY 2014 PhD
Pre-Service Teachers Mobile Learning Readiness Level And Mobile Learning Acceptance Levels İlçi, Ahmet Zahide YILDIRIM 2014 Ms
The Investigation Of Usability Issues Of Faculty Development Program (FDP) Information Portal Taşlı, Sinem Zahide YILDIRIM 2014 Ms
Starting Point For Integrated Knowledge And Learning Management System:  An Exploratory Study Ülgen, Erden Zahide YILDIRIM 2014 PhD
An Investigation Of The Influences Of Using Podcasts For Teaching Upon The State Anxiety And Self-Efficacy Beliefs Of Preservice Teachers Çelik, Berkan Zahide YILDIRIM 2014 Ms
Current Situation, Usage And Management Of Smart Classroom At Public Universities Gök, Ali Zahide YILDIRIM 2014 PhD
The Experience Of The Mining Engineering Students In Playing Simulation Games: A Phenomenological Study Sevim, Neşe Zahide YILDIRIM 2014 PhD
Students Perceptions About The Use Of A Question-Answer System Via Mobile Devices In A Lecture-Based Learnıng Environment Ataş, Amine Hatun Ömer DELİALİOĞLU 2014 Ms
Effectiveness Of A Security Portal For Improving Students Knowledge And Skills In It Security Pancar, Nilay Ömer DELİALİOĞLU 2014 Ms
Investigation Of The Relationship Between Online Readiness, Student Attitude Toward Online Education, And Achievement Kara, Mehmet Gülfidan CAN 2014 Ms
Perceptions And Experiences Of Children, Parents And Teachers Regarding The Internet Usage, Risks And Safety For Children Kaşıkçı, Duygu Nazire Gülfidan CAN 2014 PhD
Effects of Web 2.0 Enhanced Learning Environment on Higher Order Thinking: Experiences and Opinions of Sophomore CEIT Students Caner, Sonay Göknur KAPLAN AKILLI 2014 Ms
Examining Effects Of A Technology-Enhanced Extracurriculum On Special Education Students With Intellectual Disability Doğan, Sibel Göknur KAPLAN AKILLI 2014 Ms
An Exploratory Study On The Use Of Facebook By Pre-service Teachers In Turkey And The USA: A Mixed Method Design Atabek, Oğuzhan Soner YILDIRIM 2013 PhD
Current Use Of Instructional Technology By Middle East Technical University Faculty: Barriers And Enablers. Arslan, Okan Soner YILDIRIM 2013 Ms
Effects Of Re-Configurable Learning Objects On Students' Achievement And Attitude In A University Course. Arslan, Kürşat Soner YILDIRIM 2013 PhD
Factors Effecting Eye Tracking Measures And Achievement In Multimedia Learning. Alkan, Serkan Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY 2013 PhD
Individual Difference In Performance On Perceptual Multiple Cue Probability Learning Tasks. Bayındır, Mustafa Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY 2013 PhD
Utilization Of Learning Objects In Social Studies Lesson: Achievement, Attitude And Engagement. Gürer, Melih Derya Zahide YILDIRIM 2013 PhD
Evaluation Of Learning-Centered Instructional Processes Designed Through A Math Visualization Tool. Tüker, Banu Gonca Zahide YILDIRIM 2013 PhD
Supporting Students Learning And Scientific Argumentation In Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments: Distribution Of Scaffolds. Üstünel, Hale Havva Tuğba TOKEL 2013 PhD
Perceptions And Preferences Of CEIT Undergraduate Students Regarding The Formative Feedback They Received For Their Term Projects. Şat, Mustafa Gülfidan CAN 2013 Ms
Cognitive Analysis Of Experts And Novices Concept Mapping Processes. Doğusoy, Berrin Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY 2012 PhD
Effects Of Cooperative Learning And Media In Virtual Classrooms. Üçgül, Mehmet Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY 2012 PhD
User-Centered Design Approach In E-Government Applications: A Design Model. Durmuş, Suna Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY 2012 Ms
The Effects Of Coherence Of The Image Used In The Graphical Password Scheme In Terms Of Usability And Security.              Arslan Aydın, Ülkü Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY 2012 Ms
Investigation Of Early-Career Faculty Members’ Teaching Related Needs And Evaluation Of An Online Environment Designed To Support The Instructional Development Of Prospective Faculty. Yecan, Esra Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY 2012 Ms
The Design And Development Of An Online Professional Development Material For Science And Technology Teachers On Assessment And Evaluation. Mutlu, Neşet M. Yaşar ÖZDEN 2012 PhD
Development And Evaluation Of Video Enhanced Online Case-Based Learning Environment (Veocable) For Teacher Education. Saltan, Fatih M. Yaşar ÖZDEN 2012 PhD
Effects Of Scaffolding Strategies Embedded Within Web-Based Video Analysis Environment On Pre-Service Teachers’ Reflective Thinking And Instructional Planning Skills. Yıldız, İsmail Tuğba TOKEL 2012 PhD
Effects Of Second Life Environment On Preparatory Class Students’ Attitude, Self-Confidence, Motivation Towards English Speaking: The Case Of Middle East Technical University . Kamalı, Tuğba Tuğba TOKEL 2012 Ms
Usability Test With Fnir And Eye Tracking Tool In Virtual World. Cansız, Yaver Tuğba TOKEL 2012 Ms
Toward An Understanding Of Acceptance Of Electronic Performance Support Systems: What Drives Users’ Perceptions Regarding Usefulness And Ease Of Use?. Şumuer, Evren Soner YILDIRIM 2012 PhD
Competencies Of Instructional Technologists Graduated From Computer Education And Instructional Technology Department As Required By Information Technology Firms. Durmaz, Tuba Soner YILDIRIM 2012 Ms
Effects Of Computer Based Instruction In Geometry On Student Achievement. Curaoğlu, Orhan Soner YILDIRIM 2012 PhD
Identification Of Factors Affecting Integration Of Information And Communication Technologies In Basic Education Schools Grades 4 Through 8. Şendurur, Polat Soner YILDIRIM 2012 PhD
The Design, Development And Evaluation Of An Electronic Performance Support System (Epss) For The Crime Scene Investigation Unit. Yakın, İlker Soner YILDIRIM 2012 PhD
Effect Of A Web-Based Internet Search Scaffolding Tool On Metacognitive Skills Improvement Of Students With Different Goal Orientations. Şendurur, Emine Zahide YILDIRIM 2012 PhD
Social Networking Sites Utilization For Teaching And Learning. Albayrak, Duygu Zahide YILDIRIM 2012 PhD
Opencourseware movement in Turkish tertiary education: current state, barriers and enablers. Kurşun, Engin Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY 2011 PhD
Exploration of instructional design process and experience of novice instructional designers through the framework of activity theory: A case study in an instructional design course. Karakuş, Türkan Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY 2011 PhD
The perceptions and experiences of students and teachers in formal and informal learning settings that uses Muves: Quest Atlantis case. Çörez, Ayşegül Bakar Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY 2011 PhD
Utilization of social networking websites in education: A case of Facebook. Tınmaz, Hasan Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY 2011 PhD
A model of factors affecting technology integration to elementary school settings in Ankara. Karaca, Feride Soner YILDIRIM 2011 PhD
Using digital storytelling in early childhood education: A phenomenological study of teachers’ experiences. Yüksel, Pelin Soner YILDIRIM 2011 Ms
Learner perceptions about webquest: A case study in a language classroom. Uslu, Selver Soner YILDIRIM 2011 Ms
Exploring the research assistants opinions regarding the effects of graduate course on their research skills and science perception. Yasan, Nehir Soner YILDIRIM 2011 Ms
Elementary teachers’ perceptıons towards ıct ıntegratıonın teachıng and learnıng process: An explanatory mıxed method. Gülsoy, Vesile Gül Başer Soner YILDIRIM 2011 PhD
Validation of a training stimilator: proposal of a validation model and factors affecting transfer of training Sancar, Hatice Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY 2010 PhD
How a computer education teacher utilizes an online learning environment. Durdu, Levent M. Yaşar ÖZDEN 2010 PhD
A design based research on the use of a blended learning environment. Gedik, Nuray M. Yaşar ÖZDEN 2010 PhD
Change process of integrating capability maturity model integration (cmmi) into a technology company : a case study. Can, Barboros Soner YILDIRIM 2010 PhD
Student perceptions on learning by design method in web-based learning environment : a case study. Akman, Evrim Hasan KARAASLAN 2010 Ms
Examining teaching presence, social presence, cognitive presence, satisfaction and learning in online and blended course contexts. Akyol, Zehra M. Yaşar ÖZDEN 2009 PhD
Students' perceptions and motivations of a blended course guided by good practice principles and motivation. Kocaman Karoğlu, Aslıhan M. Yaşar ÖZDEN 2009 PhD
English language teachers' perceptions about a web-based support system for an in-service teacher training program. Koç, Serdar Engin M. Yaşar ÖZDEN 2009 PhD
The preservice teachers' perceptions about online communication in blended learning: a case study. Ersoy, Halil M. Yaşar ÖZDEN 2009 PhD
Students understanding of limit concept: an apos perspective. Çetin, İbrahim M. Yaşar ÖZDEN 2009 PhD
Research trends in ceit ms and phd. theses in Turkey: a content analysis. Uğur Erdoğmuş, Feray Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY 2009 Ms
Exploring the use of mobile phones for supporting english language learners' vocabulary acquisition. Saran, Murat Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY 2009 PhD
Evaluation of a computerized language learning architecture at university level: a case study. Yazıcı, Ceylan Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY 2009 PhD
Computer education in Turkish basic education schools: gaps between policy and practice. Şerefoğlu Henkoğlu, Halise Soner YILDIRIM 2009 Ms
Factors affecting faculty intention to use course management systems in a private university. Kültür, Can Soner YILDIRIM 2009 PhD
Contributions and challenges of cognitive tools and microteaching for preservice teachers' instructional planning and teaching skills. Şahinkayası, Hamide Soner YILDIRIM 2009 PhD
Students' perceived effectiveness of an online course delivered through a course management system: the case of an undergraduate course. Sevim, Neşe Hasan KARAASLAN 2009 Ms
Assesing the effectiveness of using metu-online tool in a course at the department of political science and public administration: a case study. Durmaz, Nurcan Hasan KARAASLAN 2009 Ms
The effects of cognitive load in learning from goal based scenario designed multimedia learning environment for learners having different working memory capacities. Kılıç, Eylem Zahide YILDIRIM 2009 PhD
Perceptions of students and teachers about the use of e - learning / sharing portal in educational activities. Işık, Azad M. Yaşar ÖZDEN 2009 Ms
Perceptions of students and teachers about the use of a kid's programming language in computer courses. Akçay, Tayfun M. Yaşar ÖZDEN 2009 Ms
Students' perceptions about technology integrated collaborative science projects : an action research case study. Yaşar, Derya M. Yaşar ÖZDEN 2008 Ms
Online communication and discussion environment for the visually disabled students at a public university. Emiroğlu, Bülent Gürsel M. Yaşar ÖZDEN 2008 PhD
Online professional development program for science teachers: a case study. Ateşkan, Armağan M. Yaşar ÖZDEN 2008 PhD
An analysis of college student's perceived usage and importance of high speed internet : the case of metu students. Eryol, Gökhan Soner YILDIRIM 2008 Ms
Preservice and inservice basic education computer teachers' professional growth in terms of their perceptions of teaching, pedagogical competencies and subject matter knowledge. Çakır, Recep Soner YILDIRIM 2008 PhD
A cross-cultural comparison and modeling of information and communication technologies aspects affecting mathematical and problem solving literacy and perceptions of policy makers. Şahinkayası, Yunis Soner YILDIRIM 2008 PhD
Examinees' perceptions about an online assessment center and an online assessment tool : a case study. Yılmaz, Ali M. Yaşar ÖZDEN 2007 Ms
Perceptions of students and instructors about using remote access technology in programming language courses: a case study. Turşak, Muhammet M. Yaşar ÖZDEN 2007 Ms
A case study of online communities of practice for teacher education: motivators, barriers and outcomes. Baran, Bahar Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY 2007 PhD
Moving the WebQuest process from ststic to dynamic : preservice teachers' experience with the dynamic WebQuest environment. Köse, Filiz Soner YILDIRIM 2007 Ms
Effects of web-based multimedia annotated vocabulary learning in context model on foreign language vocabulary retention of ıntermediate level english langauge learners. Baturay, Meltem Huri Soner YILDIRIM 2007 PhD
The effect of individual differences on acceptance of web-based learning management system : a case study. Hancı, Arzu Hasan KARAASLAN 2007 Ms
Contributing factors to satisfaction in an online certificate program: a case study. Yükseltürk, Erman Zahide YILDIRIM 2007 PhD
Secondary school english teachers' technology perceptions and issues related with their technology integration processes: a qualitative study. Top, Ercan Zahide YILDIRIM 2007 PhD
Using eye tracking data analyze a computer game learning experience. Alkan, Serkan Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY 2006 Ms
The impact of computer games on students' motivation. Üçgül, Memet Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY 2006 Ms
Students' and instructor's perceptions of a blended course : a case study. Çetiz, İlknur Deniz Hasan KARAASLAN 2006 Ms
Learners' perceptions of a web based course: a case study. Güler, Melek Hasan KARAASLAN 2006 Ms
The current status of information and communication technologies integration into schools of teacher education and K-12 in Turkey. Göktaş, Yüksel Zahide YILDIRIM 2006 PhD
Using mobile communication tools in web based instruction. Avenoğlu, Bilgin M. Yaşar ÖZDEN 2005 Ms
Effects of web-based learning tool on student learning in science education: a case study. Şengel, Erhan M. Yaşar ÖZDEN 2005 PhD
Learning strategies of students with different cpgnitive styles in a hypermedia environment. Yecan, Esra Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY 2005 Ms
Teachers' expectations from an educational portal : identifiying contributing factors. Öztürk, Serap Soner YILDIRIM 2005 Ms
E-learning at higher education : a roadmap for Turkish Higher Education Institutions in their efforts to offer online courses. Nişancı, Müge Soner YILDIRIM 2005 PhD
A proposal of instructional design/development model for game-like learning environments: the fid2ge model. Akıllı, Göknur Kaplan Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY 2004 Ms
The effect of educational ideologies on technology acceptance. Özdemir, Devrim Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY 2004 Ms
Instructional technology adoption od medical school faculty in teaching and learning : faculty characteristics and differentiating factors in adaptor categories. Zayim, Neşe Soner YILDIRIM 2004 PhD
An assesment of an on-line course environment based on the perceptions of students and the instructor: a case study. Gürbüz, Tarkan Soner YILDIRIM 2004 PhD
A course content management system development and its usability. Kavaklı, Hamdi Hasan KARAASLAN 2004 Ms
Effectiveness of hybrid instruction on certain cognitive and affective learning outcomes in a computer networks course. Delialioğlu, Ömer Zahide YILDIRIM 2004 PhD
Web-base learning tool: design and development of an online basic English support material for young children at elementary level. Durdu, Levent M. Yaşar ÖZDEN 2003 Ms
Blending online instruction with traditional instruction in the programming language course: a case study. Ersoy, Halil M. Yaşar ÖZDEN 2003 Ms
An electronic performance support system for teaching Turkish as a foreign language: a case study. Çağıltay, Nergiz Ercil M. Yaşar ÖZDEN 2003 PhD
Perceptions of prospective computer teachers toward the use of computer games with educational features in education. Can, Gülfidan Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY 2003 Ms
An assessment of Web based training a a tool for corporate training information technology organizations in Turkey. Baykal, Selin Soner YILDIRIM 2003 Ms
An assesment of on-line instructor: a case study for an effective e-learning instructor from e-learners' perspectives. Kanar, Fatma Soner YILDIRIM 2003 Ms
Assessment of web-based courses: a discussion and analysis of learners individual difference and teaching-learning process. Gülbahar, Yasemin Soner YILDIRIM 2003 PhD
The effectiveness of instructional multimedia integrated with audio playback rate control tool on eighth grade students' achievements and attitudes. Saran, Murat Zahide YILDIRIM 2003 Ms
Learner's satisfaction, social presence and attitude in a project based collaborative learning through computer mediated communication: a case study. Örentürk, Burcu Zahide YILDIRIM 2003 Ms
Learners' perceptions of a web enhanced course. Oytun, Erden Zahide YILDIRIM 2003 Ms
Evaluation of preservice foreign language teachers' perceptions about their technology competencies. Top, Ercan Zahide YILDIRIM 2003 Ms
The use of cognitive tools in web-based learning environments: A case study. Özçelik, Erol Soner YILDIRIM 2002 Ms
Teachers’ computer use at basic education schools: Identifying contributing factors. Çınar, Ali Soner YILDIRIM 2002 Ms
A qualitative assessment of the competencies required to develop good quality educational multimedia software and the roles of multimedia software developers. Selvikavak, Ebru Soner YILDIRIM 2002 Ms
An assessment of on-line collaboration: A case study of an on-line graduate course. Hoşver, Fatma Cemile Soner YILDIRIM 2002 Ms
An assessment of parents’ perspectives on the utilization of technology for learning at a private basic education school. Çelik, Ayça Soner YILDIRIM 2002 Ms
Student perceptions on a web-enhanced introductory chemistry course: A case study. Yıldırım, Hamide Soner YILDIRIM 2002 Ms
Exploring students' perceptions about problem based online learning environment: A case study. Koç, Serdar Engin Zahide YILDIRIM 2002 Ms
Effectiveness of a web-based tutorial on computer literacy for pre-service teachers: A case study. Bayram, Levent M. Yaşar ÖZDEN 2002 Ms
Comparison of algorithmic and heuristic approaches in a computer-programming course in terms of their effect on achievement and attitudes. Türkaslan, Umut Zahide YILDIRIM 2002 Ms
An evaluation for the improvement of the CTP 108 programming for business course features in terms of students’ perspectives. Özgür, Birikim Zahide YILDIRIM 2002 Ms
Implementation of L2 vocabulary acquisition process in an on-line tool. Özdemir, Selçuk M. Yaşar ÖZDEN 2001 Ms
The development of a web-based instruction model for language classrooms: A case study for effective web application from teachers' perspectives. Özkan, Ebru Soner YILDIRIM 2001 Ms
Development & implementation of an on-line exam for a programming language course. Karakaya, Ziya Soner YILDIRIM 2001 Ms
Perceived effectiveness of a computer based drill program on graduate students' selection of precise statistical technique in an introductory research method course: A case study. Kültür, Can Soner YILDIRIM 2001 Ms
Students' perceptions toward an on-line exam: A case study. Erdem, Fatma Betül Soner YILDIRIM 2001 Ms
Comparison of hypermedia and traditional instruction in terms of their effect on declarative, conditional and procedural knowledge acquisition, retention and attitudes. Yıldırım, Zahide M. Yaşar ÖZDEN 1999 PhD
Learning the internet through the internet: A case study. Yiğit, Yasemin M. Yaşar ÖZDEN 1999 Ms
A comparison of student teachers' attitudes toward computers in on-line and traditional computer literacy courses. Gürbüz, Tarkan Soner YILDIRIM 1999 Ms
The effectiveness of using computer simulated experiments on high school students' understanding of the displacement and the velocity concepts. Şengel, Erhan M. Yaşar ÖZDEN 1997 Ms